Chapter 20.01 GATHERING
This chapter is included in your selections.
- 20.01.010 Jurisdiction.
- 20.01.020 Definitions.
- 20.01.030 Duties and Responsibilities of Preservation Committee.
- 20.01.040 Gathering Regulations.
- 20.01.050 Emergency Changes to Regulations.
- 20.01.060 No General Closure.
- 20.01.070 Gatherers Charged with Knowledge of Laws.
- 20.01.080 Notice to Gatherers of Decisions.
- 20.01.090 Eligible Gatherers.
- 20.01.100 Gathering Identification.
- 20.01.110 Gathering Enforcement.
- 20.01.120 Disposition upon Forfeiture.
- 20.01.130 Wasting Resources.
- 20.01.140 Gathering in a Closed Area.
- 20.01.150 Failure to Obtain a Gathering Permit and/or Altering a Gathering Permit.
- 20.01.160 Assisting Another to Commit a Criminal Violation of this Ordinance.
- 20.01.170 Obstructing a Game Enforcement Officer.
- 20.01.180 Refusing to Aid a Game Enforcement Officer.
- 20.01.190 Threat or Intimidation of a Game Enforcement Officer.
- 20.01.200 Non-Muckleshoot Assistants.
- 20.01.210 Civil Infractions.
- 20.01.220 Identification in Possession – Possession of Identification.
- 20.01.230 Other Acts Prohibited.
- 20.01.240 Failure to Return Keys.
- 20.01.250 Assessment of Penalties.
- 20.01.260 Penalty Distribution.
- 20.01.270 Per-Capita Withholds.
- 20.01.280 Severability.
- 20.01.290 Sovereign Immunity.
- 20.01.300 Captions.
- 20.01.310 Criminal and Civil Penalty Schedule General.
- 20.01.320 Type one violations.
- 20.01.330 Type two violations.
- 20.01.340 Type three violations.